To ensure we achieve the highest possible service delivery standards, we hold Accredited Certifications to the following standards:
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
Aged Care Quality Standards (Quality Standards) 2019
NDIS Practice Standards: 2021
We recognise the importance of delivering services that are of the highest quality and standards. We have developed a continuous improvement program that combines an innovative and collaborative model of service delivery. Using an evidence based approach we have an established audit schedule that includes a rolling program of service standard audits, independent service and practice assessments and internal reviews of all procedures.
Our inclusive planning and assessment process is an important step toward providing a service that can enable our clients to achieve their goals and program needs. We are then able to develop a specific training program for support staff to complement our comprehensive induction, health and safety training.